little step to improvement

 hello my name is shiva singh i've done my btech in electrical and electronics trade during my study. i feel so many problems like there is lots of difference in 12th and betic slippers slippers and the gap between those two are you very cruise ship understand that word what is going on between about cat mix differences parking eiffel try to do very clear during my beta i completed each and every subjects in very deaf man necked man it is so fascinating that too because mathematics is too hard in the graduation level and new physics simultaneously and physics and there is lots of subjects that are present in it but too i feel ill the beta graduation that is technical subjects that create some technical subjects and move over there were focusing on dude learn do 3 instead of the practical find after after my four year during my four years i black to brown do five times. polish topper andrew this is so great for me that too i've done so many tasks during my graduation that i turn it to little some differentiations and that is created to not by others that is created my by my colleagues andrew do you see that the our only focus on qutb causes that to consider some amount of marxan they need a max 2 faster the graduation levels so they can get a good job i don't feel it so i flew are you join this so many take me to do programs which US considers as if robotics and solar projects there is so many projects let me adjust thank you i wish you my second part will coming soon thank you


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